Headers in Markdown

Lines starting with # get converted to HTML H1 headers, lines starting with ## become H2 headers, and so on. Organize your site carefully using headers because levels H1-H3 are indexed automatically by search engines. Putting words most relevant to your audience into headers also helps in search engine results.

# Top level header, aka H1

H1 is the most important header.

## Second level header

This gets converted to an H2

### Third-level header

Most search engines index only up to H3 for searches

#### Level 4 header, aka H4

People remember only about 3 levels of a hierarchy

##### H5

Who goes this low? and why?

###### H6

A level 6 header is used only by spelunkers.

And the result is pretty much what you’d expect:

Top level header, aka H1

H1 is the most important header.

Second level header

This gets converted to an H2

Third-level header

Most search engines index only up to H3 for searches

Level 4 header, aka H4

People remember only about 3 levels of a hierarchy


Who goes this low? and why?


A level 6 header is used only by spelunkers.

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